Theo Bosboom
Shaped by the Sea
Geheimtipp von Herrn Götze

Theo Bosboom: Shaped by the Sea.

180 Seiten mit 111 Farb-Fotografien, Vorwort in englischer Sprache von Tristan Gooley, 30,5 x 24,5 cm, Arnheim 2018, gebunden

Bestell-Nummer: 90139B
EUR 49.95
lieferbar innerhalb 10-20 Tagen

in den Warenkorb        

versandkostenfrei in Deutschland

For his new photo book Shaped by the sea photographer Theo Bosboom explored the Atlantic coast of Europe, in every season and in all kind of weather conditions. The multi-year project lead him to spectacular beaches – both known and unknown – in Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, France, Portugal and Spain.

The book is a tribute to the power of the sea and to the dynamics of the beach. It shows how the sea is constantly changing and shaping the landscape, it highlights some of the creatures living in the intertidal zone (for instance the limpets and seasnails) and it reveals the variety of geological features along Europes west coast. All this photographed in his own personal style, with a focus on details and often with a fresh perspective. Most of the images have never been published before.

Theo Bosboom: Shaped by the Sea.

180 Seiten mit 111 Farb-Fotografien, Vorwort in englischer Sprache von Tristan Gooley, 30,5 x 24,5 cm, Arnheim 2018, gebunden

Bestell-Nummer: 90139B    EUR 49.95
lieferbar innerhalb 10-20 Tagen

in den Warenkorb        

versandkostenfrei in Deutschland

For his new photo book Shaped by the sea photographer Theo Bosboom explored the Atlantic coast of Europe, in every season and in all kind of weather conditions. The multi-year project lead him to spectacular beaches – both known and unknown – in Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, France, Portugal and Spain.

The book is a tribute to the power of the sea and to the dynamics of the beach. It shows how the sea is constantly changing and shaping the landscape, it highlights some of the creatures living in the intertidal zone (for instance the limpets and seasnails) and it reveals the variety of geological features along Europes west coast. All this photographed in his own personal style, with a focus on details and often with a fresh perspective. Most of the images have never been published before.

Weitere Bücher des gleichen Autors : Theo Bosboom
Theo Bosboom: Back to Iceland
Theo Bosboom: Praxisbuch Meer & Küste fotografieren

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