Gilles Peress
Whatever You Say, Say Nothing

Gilles Peress: Whatever You Say, Say Nothing

2 gebundene Bände und eine Broschur zusammen in einer Tragetasche.

Zusammen 1960 Seiten mit 1212 SW-Fotos, Text in englischer Sprache, Formate der Leinen gebundenen Bände = 37,5 x 25,5 cm, Göttingen 2021,

Bestell-Nummer: 94056P
EUR 425.00
lieferbar innerhalb 2 Wochen

in den Warenkorb        

versandkostenfrei in Deutschland

In 1972, at the age of 26, Gilles Peress photographed the British Army’s massacre of Irish civilians on Bloody Sunday. In the 1980s he returned to the North of Ireland, intent on testing the limits of visual language and perception to understand the intractable conflict. Whatever You Say, Say Nothing, a work of “documentary fiction,” organizes a decade of photographs across 22 fictional “days” to articulate the helicoidal structure of history during a conflict that seemed like it would never end—where each day became a repetition of every other day like that day: days of violence, of marching, of riots, of unemployment, of mourning, and also of “craic” where you try to forget your condition.

Held back for 30 years and now eagerly anticipated, this ambitious publication takes the language of documentary photography to its extremes, then challenges the reader to stop and resolve the puzzle of meaning for him or herself. Accompanying each copy is Annals of the North, a text-and-image almanac to Whatever You Say, Say Nothing

Gilles Peress: Whatever You Say, Say Nothing

2 gebundene Bände und eine Broschur zusammen in einer Tragetasche.

Zusammen 1960 Seiten mit 1212 SW-Fotos, Text in englischer Sprache, Formate der Leinen gebundenen Bände = 37,5 x 25,5 cm, Göttingen 2021,

Bestell-Nummer: 94056P    EUR 425.00
lieferbar innerhalb 2 Wochen

in den Warenkorb        

versandkostenfrei in Deutschland

In 1972, at the age of 26, Gilles Peress photographed the British Army’s massacre of Irish civilians on Bloody Sunday. In the 1980s he returned to the North of Ireland, intent on testing the limits of visual language and perception to understand the intractable conflict. Whatever You Say, Say Nothing, a work of “documentary fiction,” organizes a decade of photographs across 22 fictional “days” to articulate the helicoidal structure of history during a conflict that seemed like it would never end—where each day became a repetition of every other day like that day: days of violence, of marching, of riots, of unemployment, of mourning, and also of “craic” where you try to forget your condition.

Held back for 30 years and now eagerly anticipated, this ambitious publication takes the language of documentary photography to its extremes, then challenges the reader to stop and resolve the puzzle of meaning for him or herself. Accompanying each copy is Annals of the North, a text-and-image almanac to Whatever You Say, Say Nothing

Weitere Bücher des gleichen Autors : Gilles Peress
Gilles Peress: Annals of the North

Fotobuch Schnäppchen
Sonderangebote: diverse Themen
Betriebsanleitung Kamera
Erotische Fotografie Bildbände
Fotobuch Antiquariat
Fotografen - Monographien
Foto Bildbände: nach Themen
  -Neu eingetroffen
  -Ausgewählte, edle, wertvolle Bücher
  >Dokumentar- und Presse-Fotografie
  -Fotografie und Kunst
  -Geschichte der Fotografie
  -Natur- und Tier-Bildbände
  -Porträt Bildbände
  -Reuss Tiere/Natur
  -Tattoo Bildbände
  -Über Fotobücher
  -Über Fotografie
Foto Bildbearbeitung
Foto-Kurse auf DVD
Foto Lehrbuch
Kalender 2024
Kamerageschichte von Agfa bis Zeiss
Kamera-Prospekte (Originale)
Stereofoto: Bildbände + Lehrbücher
NEU : Online-Themen-Kataloge

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