William Christenberry.
Ausstellungspublikation. Fundación Mapfre.
Beiträge von Yolanda Romero, Justo Nvarro et al.

296 Seiten mit ganzseitigen Fotos, Text englisch, 23 x 25,7 cm,2 013, Halbleinen gebunden


William Christenberry is firmly established as a contemporary American master photographer. This volume corrects this lacuna, offering a thematic survey of his half-century-long career. It is composed of 13 sections, each devoted to a particular series or theme: the wooden sculptures of Southern houses, cafes and shops; the early, black-and-white, Walker Evans-influenced photographs of Southern interiors, taken in Alabama and Mississippi in the early 60s; documentations of Ku Klux Klan meeting houses and rallies, from the mid-1960s; color photographs of tenant houses in Alabama, from 1961 to 1978.

William Christenberry.
Ausstellungspublikation. Fundación Mapfre.
Beiträge von Yolanda Romero, Justo Nvarro et al.

296 Seiten mit ganzseitigen Fotos, Text englisch, 23 x 25,7 cm,2 013, Halbleinen gebunden


William Christenberry is firmly established as a contemporary American master photographer. This volume corrects this lacuna, offering a thematic survey of his half-century-long career. It is composed of 13 sections, each devoted to a particular series or theme: the wooden sculptures of Southern houses, cafes and shops; the early, black-and-white, Walker Evans-influenced photographs of Southern interiors, taken in Alabama and Mississippi in the early 60s; documentations of Ku Klux Klan meeting houses and rallies, from the mid-1960s; color photographs of tenant houses in Alabama, from 1961 to 1978.

Weitere Bücher zu diesem Thema :

Fotobuch Schnäppchen
  >Lagerräumung Einzelstücke Restposten
  -preisreduzierte antiquarische Foto-Bildbände
  -preisreduzierte antiquarische Fototechnik
  -preisreduzierte antiquarische Kamera-Geschich
  -preisreduzierte antiquarische Zeitschriften
Sonderangebote: diverse Themen
Betriebsanleitung Kamera
Erotische Fotografie Bildbände
Fotobuch Antiquariat
Fotografen - Monographien
Foto Bildbände: nach Themen
Foto Bildbearbeitung
Foto-Kurse auf DVD
Foto Lehrbuch
Kalender 2024
Kamerageschichte von Agfa bis Zeiss
Kamera-Prospekte (Originale)
Stereofoto: Bildbände + Lehrbücher
NEU : Online-Themen-Kataloge

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